A Letter to the Reader
My name is Kristina, but you can call me Kristy. I love reading, writing, and forever philosophizing my individual as well as our collective existence. I am driven by the powerful, and often mysterious, essence that is the mind and all of its inner and outer workings. Realizing these strong interests, I knew what I needed to pursue and dedicate myself to. My life’s work thus revolves around the exploration and expansion of the mind and, in turn, the exploration and expansion of ourselves, through all mediums of communication.
With a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Master of Arts in Writing, I merge two disciplines and realms of knowledge that are integral to the formation and transformation of the mind. The mind, to me, is our ultimate power, along with our hearts. Connect the two and we propel forward immensely.
Internal exploration is essential. What lies in our minds? What do our hearts know to be true? One then asks, “What more is there to know?” The secret is: nothing. There is nothing more to know than what’s inside of us. But we may not always be aware of what’s inside due to the way we live our lives and where our focuses typically lie, be it work, our families, etc. I am not here to deviate you from those things that are important to you. In fact, they are necessary. But I am here to help you turn your focus to yourself and what’s within you, even if just for a moment. I believe the world needs more of that.
Hence, it is my goal to share my streams of consciousness and write stories from deep within, as well as create writing prompts and projects formulated to both unleash inner creativity and encourage introspection in all of us. From such explorations we will find answers, we will attain balance, and we will achieve our full potential.
I look forward to all that this beautiful adventure brings. And I look forward to connecting with all of you.
Sincerely yours,
Kristina Smeriglio

Falling Into Fire
Released: December 21, 2021
Anyone you may ask will have a story about finding love, how difficult it was to attain, the pitfalls, the horrors of breakups, loneliness, and the doubts of self-worth that accompany such heartache. This story is based on true events, about a young woman, struggling with the rigors of her writing career coming face to face with the inner struggles she has kept hidden for most of her life. A fantasy exploration. An odyssey of the human condition, of her search for love, companionship, sex, and their meaning. All, while dealing with every aspect of her psyche, her heart, and possibly her very soul.
Falling Into Fire is a celebration of life, death, relationships, and the journey we each undergo in our individual pursuits to be loved.