Sometimes life presents you with a choice. But who’s to say whether or not your choice is right? We often seek advice from others when it comes to hard choices. I don’t think that it’s because we truly have no idea what to do, but in fact such seeking for words of others actually arises from our fear of making the wrong choice. But sometimes we just have to forget everyone else and go with our instincts, trust our intuition. When it comes down to it, it really is true that no one truly knows what’s best for us, only inside ourselves do we know the truth. It is said that sometimes, when in certain situations, we may be “blind” to certain things, but at the end of the day we’re really not that blind at all. I believe that we all possess the power and mind to know exactly what’s going on around us and what we feel inside. So as hard as some decisions may be just listen to your heart and in the end, whatever you choose, it’ll all work out for the best.