Taking a moment to sit back and think about things can be a way to reflect, but can also open a portal to another dimension of consciousness. I speak from experience when I say, the mind has powers far more superior to what the body can expend. There are all sorts of movies and books that speak of this “oneness” with the world and I can actually say that on my own I’ve felt such a splendor. When I look at myself in the mirror and take an extra second to look directly into the eyes of my own reflection, I know it’s me yet I feel disconnected at the same time as if my mind and body, for that moment, were in fact separate beings. Then there’s the time paradox. The statement, “You’ve only one life to live” is constantly spoken by many just like, “life is short.” Is it really? Is this being we call our lives really all there is? I think about these things sometimes and I’ll be honest, it really brings certain thoughts and questions into perspective. What’s it all really about? Am I happy? Will I be able to look back one day, or even right now, and say I’ve lived a full life? It’s a concept that keeps me going. I wonder if the way I perceive the world, everything around me, is universal. Does everyone else see what I see? I will never possess the power to look through the eyes of another person, but I can and will share my vision. As stated before, I feel as though my mind is a powerful being almost too much for the body it is kept in, but I will continue to disburse my knowledge and wisdom as my contribution to this world and leave it as my legacy.