“I love to hate the fact that she was right.”
Writer & Editor
One of the beauties of art is that someone can look at a piece and completely identify with it. Some even find themselves within it as they immerse in the piece, unlocking hidden parts of themselves they didn’t even know were there. If you had to pick one work of…
If you were to travel to a planet that was rumored to be advanced in a particular realm of knowledge, with the intention of bringing back information that would enlighten humanity and contribute to a greater quality of life, what would you hope to discover? For more writing prompts, click here.
Words cannot possibly describe everything I felt this past year. But if I was to try to highlight it, I would say the theme for 2015 was Transformation… and Transcendence. It was intense, to say the least, from the completion of my Thesis and my Masters Degree to all the emotional rollercoasters in between Life…
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Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous new year by believing. Believe in yourself. And believe that there is a loving Source – a Sower of Dreams – just waiting to be asked to help you make your dreams come true.
Sarah Bran Breathnach
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. And with the effort to further promote that awareness, and a vision of the world where “we’re all connected and protected from suicide,” came Australia’s R U OK? campaign. R U OK? is a not-for-profit organization, founded by Gavin Larkin in 2009, whose mission is to encourage everyone to meaningfully ask each other, “Are you ok?” When I learned of this amazing movement yesterday, thanks to a friend’s post on Instagram about R U OK Day, I was ecstatic. Not only does this movement encourage people to reach out to each other, but it also promotes effective ways to do so with particular communication strategies that can be used to connect with someone who may be struggling. Asking the simple question, “Are you ok?” may not seem like a big deal. But it is. And it means the world to someone who is suffering.
It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
J.K. Rowling
The divine are constantly communicating with us, telling us all that we need to know. We just need to learn how to perceive and decipher the messages as they come. A lot of times these messages will show up through other people; people who are either close to us in relation, such as a family member or significant other whom we respect, or a stranger so unfamiliar to us that we have no choice but to accept it as a sign. While these signs are ever-present in my life, and I welcome them constantly, none was so timely and important as the one that came a couple of weeks ago. It all started with a movie. A cousin of mine told me, about a year ago, about What Dreams May Come, starring Robin Williams. At the time, I decided to look for it and noticed that, to no coincidence, they were playing it on DIRECTV. So I set it to record. But I never saw it. That was until two different people, within days of each other, told me to watch the movie. I knew right then and there I had to see it. When I told my mom the following night, she warned I might get emotional; apparently all she remembers is how sad it made her. But when I mentioned how various people were telling me to watch it, she said that perhaps it would change my life. When I asked her what it was about, all she did was shrug and say, “Choices we make in life.”
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.
Winston Churchill