For my first #MetaphorMonday, I wanted to feature an image from my latest project: my thesis. Hallowed Be Thy Fall is near and dear to my heart with its themes, as well as its significance in my achieving my Master’s in Writing. So I wanted to share a part of it with you all.
Here’s one of my favorite images, from page 9:
Among the branches was the object that had been calling me. It was one of the cherries—bright and young, yearning to stretch its waxy peel. I reached into the tree and grabbed the cardinal fruit. An emerald bud remained, marking the place and fertile beginnings of the new fruit that would soon grow.
Within the above image, I include the image of the cherry as well as the image of the bud remaining from it being plucked not only as symbols but metaphors for a deeper theme that develops throughout the story.
So then I ask:
What do you think the metaphor is trying to illustrate?
With the knowledge that the above is presented in the beginning of the story, what can you foretell is going to happen later on?
What other metaphors have you used in order to illustrate a similar theme? Even more, have you used a similar image as a metaphor for something else? I would love for you to share!
I can’t wait to hear your thoughts! Thanks for participating!
Smeriglio, K. (2015). Hallowed be thy fall (Order No. 1604225). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Nova Southeastern University; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1739017203). Retrieved from
Bosch, Hieronymus. The Garden of Earthly Delights. 1503–1515. Museo Nacional Del Prado, Spain.
To read Hallowed Be Thy Fall in its entirety, you may download it from the Proquest Database.
You may also send me an email and I would be happy to share it with you.