Sometimes the human world appears different than what we see in our minds. We have a vision of something, or someone, and sometimes the vision in our minds doesn’t come to fruition. Sometimes, we find ourselves disillusioned, disappointed. When that happens, when our vision is better than reality, we are forced to look at the situation and ask “What do I believe? What do I do now?”
When it comes to belief, even if the circumstance is not ideal, the information is to be acknowledged. To live in denial does no one justice. However, there are times when we need to look past the surface. “What is really going on in this situation?” You will find that, more often than not, the human event, the initial perception, is limited and is not a complete picture regarding all that the event was meant to be. Not every situation will have an elaborate explanation, but it is worth taking a step back and looking at it from a different point of view when one feels especially hurt by an event in their lives.
Something Greater Going On
Recently, I had a conversation with someone. It felt more like they were expressing themselves, while I couldn’t get a word in. I tried to speak, but I didn’t feel confident. I felt like, at that moment, it wouldn’t matter what I said. My character was being questioned and it hurt so much that I got caught up in the trigger and aimed to defend myself. This is someone who I know, at a deep level, knows who I am. This person knows intimate information about me. So the sting was harsh. I felt defeated. Soon after, I recalled my visions, I recalled what I know about this person. I remembered what I know about myself. And I realized that there was more going on, that there was a message being sent that went beyond the content of the conversation. I was being taught a lesson. I was also being made aware of that person’s mindset and was given information, indirectly, about what they were going through. While I still reflected on what was told to me, this person’s awareness of me being taken seriously, I knew the circumstance was not to be interpreted as it was initially. And I knew to trust myself above all, to trust the awareness I have that goes beyond the physical interaction. In doing so, in short, I have allowed my inner knowing to come through. I have allowed the love in my heart to stay alive. I have allowed the truth to remain at the forefront and not let one situation ruin a relationship. After all, it was just information. And I am, ultimately, thankful for it. And I am thankful to have this person, specifically, be the one to share this experience with and be that reflection.
Let Your Instincts Supersede Societal Rules
It is also important to acknowledge instincts and not let societal expectations dictate how one should act when one instinctively knows an engagement is not needed, at least not at the moment. A lot has happened to me recently and, in one case, I felt particularly betrayed after realizing I had been lied to. Society would encourage me to talk about it, to hash things out right then and there, to fight for myself. And there definitely are moments for that. But it’s not mandatory. In my case, I know the person is aware that they lied to me. They either lied to me prior or are lying to me now. Either way, a lie has been told. And it hurt a lot, at first. When someone lies, it’s one of my greatest pet peeves. It’s why I’ve struggled so much and made so much effort to unravel and correct the lies I’ve told myself throughout my life. Making the efforts I have for myself, and making it known to those closest to me how much lying hurts me, it thus affects me that much more when someone close to me outright lies to me. Do I allow it to ruin my day, let alone for weeks on end? No. I take it and move on, trusting the higher vision I know to be true. I remind myself that it was simply information I was being made aware of so that I can be informed for the present and future. It is a lesson learned.
Trust Yourself
It is essential that we trust ourselves and what we know to be true. And not let others overrule that. By being in touch with ourselves, our true selves, we inevitably get in touch with reality and are given the awareness to know when there is more to the story when undesirable situations occur. It is only information, feedback. By seeing it objectively for what it is, and trusting that there is something great going on, sometimes to be revealed at a later time, we are able to disengage and move forward with trust in ourselves and a greater purpose. We’re able to hold onto our vision and not be led astray.