As I start my journey with Disney I realize that this is an experience I’m going to cherish for a lifetime. Being here in Orlando, on my own, is something that proves to be not only fun, but worth it. I moved into my apartment, which is cozy to say the least, and have prepared myself for what is to come. So far I have great roommates, not to mention Ms. Alicia Felix living with me, and from what I know, an intense job. I don’t exactly know what I’ll be doing but I have been hired to work on Main Street USA in Magic Kingdom! Magic Kingdom happened to be my first choice and so I’m really excited to start. Not only am I excited about my new place and job but let me tell you, Mickey Mouse boogies. Yesterday I went to a pool party and met a bunch of people also in the program, and last night my roommates and I went to this place called Roxy, and there are stories to say the least, I had a lot of fun and I look forward to future adventures. Today I shall be starting my training in my Traditions class and I get my free entrance into the parks! I’m very excited about that. We’ll see how it goes and, although formal, this is only the Prologue to what is the adventure and experience of Kristasia.