So it’s been a couple days now and let me tell you, my boss is no walk in the park. Training has been hard and days are long but I can honestly say no matter how much that mouse works me, he really is the best. Working for Disney so far has been great in many ways and I know it’s only going to get better from here. Seeing the looks on kids faces as they walk in and see the castle with all the characters around, is just the most rewarding feeling one can ever feel. Creating magical moments and sharing smiles with the people that visit is something that feels amazing. I always knew that Disney was something that always hit me, but standing on the other side now I truly understand the impact that Mickey Mouse not only has on myself, but everyone else as well. Not only has work been great but also the fun I’ve been having with my roommates, they really are great thankfully. I’ve been making new friends apart from my roommates and have enjoyed going out and best of all you know, taking pictures and recording the memories. I’ve gone to MGM (now known as Hollywood Studios) which I haven’t been to in forever, went to Magic Kingdom, and last night went to Downtown Disney to go see Takers (which was pretty amazing if I do say so myself). I’m having a great time and like I said before, it’s only going to get better from here.