It is often said that it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Although for the most part I find this to be true, it is truly amazing how a specific phrase, or set of words, can have an effect on someone. This is something I’ve learned throughout the years, sometimes one has to be careful what one says to someone else, one never knows how another can be affected or offended. However, it is ideal that one should have the freedom to speak their mind and share all of their ideas without censor or fear of being criticized. Now, for thought, when it comes to someone you love, if a topic arises and they say those simple little words that strung together have been thrown your way and pained you over the years, what do you do? Now, they may not have been saying them directly to you or your situation, for they’re unaware, but they believe in those words and stand by them. Is that means to question everything else? Maybe it has more to do with disconnecting one’s self from those words at the moment and trying to understand, but I’ll tell you, it’s not easy. It’s hard to try and understand where someone’s thoughts are coming from when you for a fact have experienced such a situation before and know what you felt. I myself am very auditory and words and emotions have such an impact on me, that what someone says goes into my being and is processed through my machine of a mind. That is why I posed the question above, do words really matter? Similar can be said about positive words. Us as humans are tied to specific words and create our own meanings for them when spoken to us, but is it really the word itself being said that matters, or is there an underline meaning to why such words affect us? Many different people will have many different opinions, but it is interesting to dive deeper into language and really think about why it is that certain words constructed together into particular phrases, will always have such an impact on us. The power of the mind, combined with the power of language, touching the human being, making a statement.