Sometimes there comes a point in our lives where we have to learn how to fly. But before you get ready to spread your wings and take off, take a look in the mirror. Take a nice long look at yourself. What do you see? Everyone has different opinions of themselves, some are in love with themselves, some the complete opposite. For those who don’t love themselves or have doubts, I’m going to say this: There is no one in this world who compares to you. You are one and only. You were born with a gift, or rather born as a gift to share with this life, and that is what makes you unique. That alone makes you beautiful. This was a concept that I had to remind myself of, for I sometimes forget. But I know inside of me there is a light, an array of colors that shine right through me. And with this vision I will fly. With that I will tell you all to find your light, spread your wings, and fly.